Hong Kong Stories

Here you can listen to the audio files of Hong Kong Symposium:


Audio 1:
It’s like two different worlds (9 mins 10 sec)
by Ah Fai


Audio 2:
Identity doubts
(8 mins 10 sec)
by Ah Nan


Audio 3:
Where’s my home (12 mins 25 sec)
by Gordon


Photo Exhibition:

Do Not Cross
Feb 2020
Ah Nan

This was my last time joining a protest on the street. Every corner has riot police.


Bricks Will Be Back Soon
Feb 2020
Ah Nan

When riot police came, we would welcome them with bricks. Beneath the pavement, freedom.


An Illusion of Peace
Feb 2020

Brick pavements were dug up as weapons or barricades against the police. The government simply covered the holes with cement and pretended nothing happened. But the holes in my mind will stay for the whole life.


Feb 2020

Someone wanted to tear down the truth, but the truth is hard to be teared down — that the politicians are LIARs and Hong Kong wants True Universal Suffrage.


Graffiti “If you give up, who will defend our city?“
11 Feb 2023
terry narcissan

Some choose to stay silence these days, some choose to move away. I have also once thought of giving up when all actions seem to be futile. But when many are still in jails, who am I to give up?


Not Everything is Gone
March 2023

The government calls it “vandalism“, we call it “renovation“ (our codeword for direct action). We would spray over every CCTV so the authorities cannot identify us. These days, they try to make everything “nice“ again but fail.


Yellow Shops
2019 – now

We only support pro-democracy shops, which we called “Yellow shops”. Before I eat somewhere, I will check its “colour” first. If it is a “Blue shop” (pro-government shops), I won’t eat there.


The Lennon Walls
June 2019 – 2020

On these walls everyone write down their hopes, wishes and anger on colourful memos. This was the most beautiful Hong Kong I have ever seen.


Our Flag – Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our Times
Feb 2020

This was one of the last time I have seen this flag on the street. Nobody wants to be caught by the National Security Law these days.


You’ll find all information about the symposium here.