Lern- und Hausaufgabenhilfe
Here people help you with your homework and learning German. You don't have to register, just come by. Dans ce service, des personnes t'aident à faire tes devoirs et à […]
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Here people help you with your homework and learning German. You don't have to register, just come by. Dans ce service, des personnes t'aident à faire tes devoirs et à […]
In this course women with babies are welcome. We learn together online at the level A1.1. No matter how good your German is - feel free to join us! Registration: […]
Die Beratung findet im Bellevue di Monaco statt. Bitte kommen Sie dafür ins Hinterhaus, Müllerstraße 2. Here we help with all questions about life in Germany. For example, explaining […]
At the Intercultural Women's Cafe, women get to know each other and have a chance to talk. We answer questions, listen to music, cook, eat and dance. You are welcome, […]
für Geflüchtete und Nicht-Geflüchtete Frauen: Dienstag, 18:30 – 20:00 Uhr Männer: Dienstag, 20:00 – 21:30 Uhr We box together. We train concentration and strength. You don't have to know anything. […]
Waaking Dance Workshop with Soumayya. Try it out! It's free. Registration at: +49 151 16824240. Atelier de Danse « Waaking » avec Soumayya. Viens essayer! C'est gratuit. Pour s’inscrire utilises […]
On Monday you can choose bikes in our bike workshop, on Tuesday you can repair your own bike. If you choose a bike, it costs between 15 and 40 Euro. […]
Dienstag Für Frauen: 18.30 – 20 Uhr Für Männer: 20 – 21.30 Uhr We box together. We train concentration and strength. You don't have to know anything. There is one […]