Sprechstunde für geflüchtete Frauen
Ort siehe BeschreibungstextHere women help you with problems with the family, school or training. They help with understanding letters or filling out applications. The counseling is only for women and free of […]
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✸ Das Bellevue di Monaco auf SOCIAL MEDIA
Here women help you with problems with the family, school or training. They help with understanding letters or filling out applications. The counseling is only for women and free of […]
Here people help you with your homework and learning German. You don't have to register, just come by. Dans ce service, des personnes t'aident à faire tes devoirs et à […]
Here we help to find German courses, work or training. We also help with the recognition of your profession or your studies. The counseling is free of charge. Dans ce […]
Offene Nähwerkstatt – nicht nur – für geflüchtete Frauen! Bei uns in der Werkstatt kannst du deine Kleidung reparieren oder etwas Neues nähen. Wir nähen. Wir unterhalten uns und knüpfen […]
Here, lawyers help with questions about asylum and residence. Please bring all letters and documents with you. The consultation is free of charge. Тут юристи допомагають за запитаннями до притулку […]
We play soccer together on our sports field on the roof. You don't have to know anything. Please register and bring your sportswear +49 176 45571527 Nous jouons ensemble au […]
Everyone is welcome at the Open House. We eat together, drink tea, play games and get to know each other. We want you to feel comfortable and meet lots of […]
Vue Belle - Das offene Musikprojekt von Refugio München und Bellevue di Monaco. Die Musikgruppe Vue Belle besteht seit 2 Jahren und ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt von der Refugio München Kunstwerkstatt […]