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Babylon Illusion: Dokumentarfilm mit Publikumsgespräch

Freitag, 2. August, 20:00

Dokumentarfilm von Karim Bah (2009, 56 Min., OmeU)
anschließend Gespräch mit dem Filmemacher

Documentary on migration from an African perspective. Hoffnungen, Träume und die oft harte Wahrheit eines neuen Lebens im Ausland:
Ein intimer Einblick aus afrikanischer Perspektive in die Beweggründe junger Geflüchteter ihre Heimat zu verlassen, um es in Europa «zu schaffen». Der sierra-leonische Filmemacher ist auch Aktivist für soziale Gerechtigkeit, Panafrikanist und Kommunikationsstratege bei Basisorganisationen und der UNO.

about the film

Most films on migration from Africa to Europe are produced by Western filmmakers for Western audiences. «Babylon Illusion» is one of the first attempts by an African filmmaker to explore migration from an African perspective, specifically for an African audience. The film examines the motivations behind the desire of young Africans to leave their homeland «to make it» in Europe. This documentary provides an intimate look at their hopes, dreams, and the often harsh truth of their new lives abroad.

Fifteen years later, this issue of so-called irregular migration, continues to worsen as many young Africans see «Babylon» as the only hope for a decent life. Following decades of African governments implementing neoliberal economic policies prescribed by Western Governments mainly through the IMF and World Bank, there is no hope for better living conditions for the majority of Africans.

about the director

Karim Bah is a Sierra Leonean filmmaker, social justice activist, Pan-Africanist,  and communications strategist with grassroots organisations, NGOs and the UN. He has studied and worked in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Papua New Guinea, Germany and UK.

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Freitag, 2. August
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089 – 550 5775-6
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